November 23, 2013

Spiraled and Caught

"These words are my own from my heart." -- Natasha Beddingfield

 When  did the times  change?
I see our with new eyes today.
Where do the smiles hide?
 Now the wind blows my thoughts away.

I thought I once knew everything--
 or really,  had learned SOME thing,
 Yet now I sit stunned,  silent,  in stupor
 As the scenes before my eyes  deeply sting.

I know things are good;
 Well, I think they are,  anyway.
 But somehow I'm saddened,
 More  distant than anything.

 When have my cares taken over my joys?
I lack the freedom I once had to breathe.
I feel the tightness,  the clenching  that's deep in my chest
 Which on ce used  to float and cavort out  with ease.

 I could make bold decisions  and leap for the chances
 For latr drives,  for movies,  for running,  for  dances,
 For pizza,  for fellowship,  for speaking,  for  leading.
 Now instead,  my soul is left pleading

 For renewal of vows of the inmost  degree,
 For promises and spirit,
 For some new sparked opportunities.

I feel like a shell that I'm spiraled  and caught
 That the world passes  by me with no single thought.

 That the world passes by me with




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